Saturday, June 29, 2013

Peru - Machu Picchu part3

There are 5 pics in Machu Picchu, too!

At last, It began to be less fog!

We could see Huayna Picchu!

Huanya Picchu means 'a young peak'.

I heard Huanya Picchu was younger than Machu Picchu.

There is Recinto de Guardian on the top of the hill.

Recinto de Guardian means the hut of guardian.

It was used to watch their enemies from there.

There are 2 stone mills.

Of course, a lot of people lived here.

This is the evidence many families was living.

There are terraced farms!

It was beautiful & magnificent!

This is 'Templo del Condor'.

This means temple of condor.

I heard the underground area of this object was prison.

I will show you more pics next week.

See you soon.

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