Saturday, July 27, 2013

Peru - Machu Picchu part7

I will show you some pictures when I took the bus for the Hotel from Machu Picchu this time.

I could not take him who run to the bus I took on.
He was so fast!

I took him through a window of the bus.
He was running slopes of the mountain to the bus.
He called 'Good-by Boy' because he yelled 'Gooood-Byyyyy' to run!

Good-by Boy took our bus on the way to the hotel.

He is 'Good-by Boy'!

And he wend back his home...

I am planning to show you some pictures of 'Machu Picchu 2nd Day' from next time.

See you soon!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Peru - Machu Picchu part6

There are 5 pics in Machu Picchu this time, too!

Our conductor played 'Shakuhachi' on the hill of Machu Picchu!

What a beautiful sound & scene!

It looked like a beautiful painting!

It was still misty.

But it gradually became clear!

A rainbow appeared while he was playing it!

It was a miracle!

 We could see the whole figure of Machu Picchu!

How great!

I am planning to show you some pictures of returning to a hotel from Machu Picchu next time.

See you soon.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Peru - Machu Picchu part5

There are 5 pics in Machu Picchu this time, too!

There are a lot of Llama.

But I heard that Llama didn't live here in Inca Era.

They moved here recently.

This is a gate that people can go to the main street.

We are lucky!

Fog is being cleared!

What a beautiful scene I could see!

We can see clearly it!

I plan to upload many pics of Machu Picchu next week, too.

See you!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Peru - Machu Picchu part4

There are 5 pics in Machu Picchu this time, too!

This is 'Aposento de la Nusta'.

It means 'Palace of the queen'.

This is only building which has 2nd floor in Machu Picchu.

It was misty at that day.

We can see terraced farms over fogs.

This place was named 'Templo de Tres Vebtanas'.

It means 'Temple of three windows'.

This is a stone of mouse.

Can you see as a mouse?

I plan to upload many pics of Machu Picchu next week, too.

See you!